Supervisor Training
Wimberly Lawson attorneys recognize that front-line supervisors make quick decisions continually throughout the workday that have enormous economic and legal ramifications. We are committed to helping your supervisors make the correct decision that directly minimizes your company’s legal exposure.
Our attorneys enjoy the opportunities to teach and to learn from our clients’ supervisory corps. We are adept at engaging the supervisors and demystifying the laws of the workplace. We never lecture our supervisors, but instead involve them in understanding how best to respond to provocation.
We have prepared one-hour instructional units on the following subjects which can be presented onsite to your supervisors and managers. Any combination of units can be presented or we would be excited to provide training on issues unique to your organization.
Among the instructional units we currently offer are:
- Discharge and Documentation
- Employment Law Overview
- How to Hire
- Handling Employee Evaluations
- Managing a Diverse Workforce
- Issues of Concern to Older Workers
- Violence in the Workplace
- Sexual Harassment Scenarios
- ADA, FMLA, and Workers’ Compensation
- Substance Abuse in the Workplace
- Workers’ Compensation Issues
- Investigation Skills
- Avoiding Unionization